Gaining Experience Without Wasting Time 

Experience usually takes time to accumulate if you do it on your own. This is why I suggest that you cut out the wasted time; and learn from  the experience of others. Ask friends and colleagues for help; and pay attention to what experts do.

Get a New Perspective Whenever Possible 

Before you launch a product, give it away for free in order to get people’s opinions. Before you launch a salesletter, post it on a forum to get reviews. Always try to get a new perspective when you can.

Get As Much as You Can From Each Advertising Dollar 

Before you allocate $300 to a Google AdWords campaign, spend some time testing and tweaking your ads. Only after you have found a good technique should you begin spending a lot of money.

Get Expert Opinions Whenever Possible 

Experts can provide invaluable information about your ideas and products. Whenever you can consult one, do so, even if it means that you’ll have to contact a stranger and plead for help.

Get In Before It’s Too Late 

In addition to knowing when to get out, it’s also important to know when to get in when it comes to Internet marketing. Don’t let the next opportunity pass you by.

Get Out Before It’s Too Late 

Often, in Internet marketing, it’s important to get out of a failing business
opportunity before it is too late (i.e. before you are broke and burnt out). Pay
careful attention to this, so that you don’t miss your opportunity to exit.

Give Yourself Time to Make Big Decisions 

Big decisions take time to m ake. Don’t lock yourself into a bad plan for months because you couldn’t take the time to m ake the right decision. Instead, think long and carefully about big decisions; and make the right ones.

Getting Something for “Free” May be More Costly Than Purchasing It 

Beware of “free” traffic. In many cases, it will cause you to waste a tremendous
amount of time and energy for a small return. In the end, you’ll probably be better
off paying for it.

Give First; Receive Later 

As a general business principle, provide your customers and subscribers with quality content. They well appreciate this; and reciprocate by buying from you down the road.

Give Freely and Frequently to Visitors and Subscribers 

In addition to providing customers with high-quality content, you should also consider giving them free products. They will appreciate this, remember you, and buy from you in the future.

Go into Business Ventures with a Plan 

Before you launch a new product, come up with a plan. Try to stick through it as the launch progresses. This will prevent you from making a bunch of ad hoc, inconsistent decisions.

Go Out of Your Way to Help Others 

Find ways to help other people, including your customers, on a daily basis. This will build goodwill towards you and your business.

Google AdSense – Creating Sites for Ads 

One way to make money with AdSense is to create sites from ghostwritten or private label articles; and then to add Google AdSense ads to them.

Google AdSense – Placing Ads on Your Site 

When placing AdSense ads on your site, put them above the fold; and in a place that is likely to receive traffic and clicks.

Google AdWords – A Simple Trick 

Use delim iters when bidding on keywords. Instead of bidding for the keyword Internet marketing, bid for Internet marketing, “Internet marketing,” and [Internet marketing]. You’ll boost your traffic and pay less per click.

Google AdWords – Boosting Your Traffic 

Run rotating AdWords campaigns with m inor tweaks. Find out which one is perform ing the best; and then allocate your entire budget to it. Over time, you will get more clicks.

Gurus Don’t Always Know What’s Best for Your Business 

Gurus may have a lot of marketing wisdom , but that doesn’t mean that their general advice is the best advice for your business. Listen to them, but remember that you ultimately understand your business best.



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Mbah Qopet Updated at: 12.10.12