Decide and Act 

Many Internet marketers have a tendency to inflate the importance of certain decisions. Don’t fall into this trap. Instead, get into the habit of making decisions quickly; and then acting.

Detach Yourself Emotionally from Your Plans 

As with any business venture, it is important that you detach yourself emotionally from your plans. If you decide to do something and it doesn’t pan out as you had expected, then let go of it and move on. Don’t let your emotional attachment to bad plans ruin your chance at success.

Do What Gurus Do—Not What They Say 

Instead of doing what gurus tell you to do, pay attention to what they do. Think about how it is that they’ve captured such a large audience. Also, consider how it is that they’ve become so successful in their niche. And then emulate these features in your own business.

Don’t Be Afraid to Differentiate Your Business 

Often, new Internet marketers are afraid to differentiate themselves and their businesses from competitors. As a result, they create a lifeless, boring business that proves to be entirely unmemorable to visitors. Don’t make this mistake. Give your business a personality that attracts people; and allows them to remember you.

Don’t Burn Bridges Unnecessarily 

As a general rule of thumb, burning bridges is bad when it comes to business. Unless you have a very good reason for doing so, you should never burn a bridge with a joint venture partner. Instead, try to end the partnership amicably to avoid backlash and negative word-of-mouth feedback.

Don’t Burn Yourself Out
When it comes to running your own business, it is all too easy to put in long hours and burn yourself out. Don’t do this. When your work is done for the night, go to bed, get som e sleep, and then com e back the following day well-rested.

Don’t Buy Everything 

Many new Internet marketers end up going on a buying frenzy at some point. They buy ebooks, software, private label products, membership site subscriptions, and a wide variety of marketing tools. Unfortunately, they also frequently do not use m ost of what they buy. Don’t go bankrupt for such a foolish reason. Spend wisely; and use what you buy.

Don’t Follow the Crowd 

If you read a marketing forum at any point in time, you’ll notice that a large flock of people are repeatedly posting about similar subjects. They’ve latched onto a fad; and they’ve decided that it is the only way to m ake money. Don’t fall into this trap. These fads often aren’t profitable—and, even if they were, they won’t be when everyone is doing it. So, unless there’s a good reason to do so, don’t follow the crowd.

Don’t Listen to Everyone 

In Internet marketing, many offer advice who haven’t experienced success through the plans they suggest. For this reason, be careful who you accept advice from.

Don’t Ruin Your Credibility on Forums 

When it comes to using forums to m arket your products, your credibility is vital. If forum readers perceive you as credible, they’ll follow your links, read your posts carefully, and consider your offers. If you squander credibility my m aking stupid posts to increase your post count or by spamming the forum, people will quickly lose interest in you and your business.

Don’t Spam Your Email Lists 

Internet marketers often mistake the m istake of spamming their email lists. That is—as soon as they acquire an email address, they send it a deluge of emails (both “informative ones” and ones that sell products). The end result is that leads get turned off and unsubscribe or stop paying attention. Make sure you don’t do this to your list.

Don’t Waste Time 

If you find yourself spending hours each day surfing the Internet when you’re technically “working on your business,” then it’s time to re-evaluate your priorities. If you truly want to spend that time surfing the net, then continue to do so. But if not, then you may want to keeping work and leisure separate. When you’re at work, do work only. But if you get burnt out, then take a break and do something you enjoy, rather than wasting time doing something you don’t enjoy and counting it as “work.”


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Mbah Qopet Updated at: 12.10.12