Ad Tracking – Using it to Test Your Results 

Most advertising services, such as Google AdWords, perm it you to track your ads. You can see how m any click-throughs you receive; and you can split-test two ads with slightly different wording. Tracking your results will allow you to compare two approaches, so you can determine which works best. 

Adding Articles to Directories 

One good way to generate traffic for your site is to write articles and then submit them to directories. You can find a list of the top 50 directories according to the amount of traffic they receive at the following URL: http://www.vretoolbar.com/articles/directories.php.
This will not only get your site a one-way backlink that will improve your search engine position rankings, but it will also generate some direct, click-through traffic. 

Adding Your Blog to RSS Feed Directories 

Another good way to generate traffic for your blog is to list your RSS feed in directories. This will have a similar effect as adding your articles to directories.You can find a list of RSS feed directories here: http://www.dotsauce.com/2007/06/06/55-active-rss-directories-to-help-promote-your-feeds/.

Adding Your Site to Link Directories 

Another good way to get inbound links pointed at your site is to submit it to directories. You can find a list of directories here: http://www.strongestlinks.com/directories.php . When you do this, rem ember to include a description of your site that links keywords that you are optimizing for. This text will surround your link; and will improve your search engine rankings for these keywords. 

Adopt a Strategy  

Many Internet marketers go into a new business venture without first spending the time to create a strategy. This is usually a big mistake. Without creating a strategy that specifies what you should do in various situations, you may find yourself lost; and prone to ad hoc and inconsistent decision-making.  

 AdWords – A Trick That Can Boost Your Click-Through Rate 

If you want to im prove your AdWords click-through-rate, you should use the base keyword from your keyword list in your headline. When people search for a keyword on your list, it will pull up your ad with the keyword bolded in the headline. This will attract searchers to your ad, increasing the chance that they will click on it.  

AdWords – Tracking Your End Results is Crucial 

In addition to tracking your ad click-through rates, you will also want to check how your ad results translate into sales. You can do this by sending traffic from different cam paigns to different landing pages. This will allow you to do determine whether certain ads are generating higher-quality traffic. 

AdWords – Using the Right Headline Could Change Your Campaign 

After you begin tracking your results, you will want to start varying your AdWords headlines. You can then test how well each different headline performs; and then select the best for your campaign. Remember to only make small changes at a time. 

Affiliates Can Make or Break a Business 

One of the best ways to grow your business rapidly is to find affiliates. Affiliates can act as an extension of you by m arketing your product in places and in ways that you could not think of yourself.  

Affiliate Managers May be Necessary 

Once you have grown your affiliate program substantially, it will begin to take up an increasingly larger share of the amount of time you spend on your business. Beyond a certain point, it will be a good idea to consider hiring an affiliate manager to do this work for you. This will free up your time, so that you can spend it doing other, more productive things. 

Affiliate Marketing Software – Using it to Save Time 

In the past, affiliate marketing was much harder than it is today. Today, you can take advantage of a variety of different software programs to automate tasks for your program. This includes things such as creating ids, tracking sales, and making payments. This can save you a great deal of time and money. 

Affiliate Products Can Supplement Your Product Sales 

Some of the most successful Internet marketers mix revenue streams. Not only do they sell their own products, but they also sell other business’s products as an affiliate. If you want to m aximize your own profits, you should consider selling high-quality products as an affiliate. 

Attitude is Important 

It may sound like a silly piece of advice, but attitude is truly important when it comes to Internet marketing. As you grow your business, you will find yourself encouraging more and m ore challenges. If your attitude is good, you’ll stick with your choices and find the courage to get through them; if not, you’ll find yourself 
quickly folding. 


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Mbah Qopet Updated at: 12.10.12