Fall Down—And then Pick Yourself Up 

Don’t be afraid to fail. Push hard until you fall down. But once you do, pick yourself up; and get working on the new project. 

Fight for Small Gains; Fight Harder for Large Gains 

Working hard is important, but only when it means the payoff will be big. Keep that in mind before you slave-away on a project with no clear estimate of how much you will get in return. 

Figure Out How to Organize Your Business Better 

Many businesses are sub-optim ally organized. Parts that need not be automated are automated. And parts that aren’t automated need to be. Figure out how your business can be better organized; and make an attempt to realize that vision. 

Figure Out Which Parts of Your Business Are Not Working 

As with all businesses ventures, some things go well and others do not. Get rid of the things that aren’t working; and focus on the things that do. 

Find New Affiliates 

Finding new affiliates is just as vital as finding new joint venture partners. They provide a way for you to expand your business; and do so without needing your direction. Spend time seeking out new affiliates each week. 

Find New Joint Venture Partners 

Expanding your network is an im portant part of growing your business. Don’t plateau once you have forged a couple of useful partnerships. Instead, keep working to find new partners; and to work with them to realize projects. 

Find New Strategies Each Day 

Each day, push yourself to learn som ething new about Internet marketing. Don’t stagnate at your current level of knowledge; push yourself to learn more, so that you can continuously become a better m arketer. 

Find Ways to Motivate Your Current Affiliates 

In addition to looking for new affiliates, you should try to motivate existing affiliates. Offer special deals (where commissions are temporarily higher), give them prom otional materials, and offer to accept emails from them directly. 

Find New Ways to Get Visitors to Buy 

Always look for new ways to get your visitors to buy. You could create a squeeze page and get them to sign up; or you could give a free product away—and get people to buy it. 

Find New Ways to Sell Old Products 

If you’re like most Internet marketers, you have a large store of old products. Instead of just sitting on them, figure out how you can re-package them into new products that you can sell or give away. 

Find Ways to Innovate 

Innovating is hard, but necessary. Each day, try to come up with a new way in which you can do something that none of your competition has thus far. 

Fix Problems with Your Current Website 

On a regular basis (perhaps once each month), spend time working on your website. Instead of putting up new products and deals (as you normally would), focus on improving existing features, so that they provide higher value to customers. 

Friends Can Offer Helpful Suggestions 

Whenever you can, ask for the perspective of a friend. Ask how they like the look and feel of your site; ask what they think about your products; and ask if they have any suggestions. 


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Mbah Qopet Updated at: 12.10.12