Email Lists Can Be Reinvigorated 

Email lists can always be reinvigorated. If you’re finding that the responsiveness of your list has dropped off lately, you may want to consider trying tactics to reinvigorate it. For instance, you might start by holding a weekly give-way to readers who enter a raffle to keep people interested.

Email List Building Through AdWords 

Another approach to list building involves Google AdWords. First, create a strong squeeze page that is good at converting visitors. Next, use Google AdWords to send a deluge of traffic to your squeeze page.

Email List Building Through Forums 

One excellent way in which you can build your list is to post on forums. In your signature, include a link to your squeeze page. Also, infrequently mention your list in forum posts.

Email Lists Make Sales 

Any seasoned m arketer will tell you that sales happen on the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth contacts—not on the first. This is why it is important to build an em ail list and market to it, rather than trying to sell directly always.

Email Marketing Can Be More Effective Than Direct Marketing 

Email marketing allows you to follow up with customers and to pitch to them on a regular basis. For this reason, it can be much m ore effective than pitching to them only once using a sales page.

Email Marketing Strategies Are Vital 

Starting an email marketing campaign without a strategy is a big m istake. Rather than sim ply sending out an ad, remember to carefully approach the situation with a pre-sales and sales process in m ind.

Email Marketing Through Short Copy
Another way to approach email marketing is through short copy. This should consist of 300-500 words carefully-designed to promote a product or subscription. Remember to keep it personal, though, so that it does not seem unusual in an email.

Email Offers Must Be Approached Correctly 

It’s easy to bungle email offers. My suggestion is the following: don’t get too salesy in the email. Instead, bait them with the em ail; and then direct them to some short copy on your site.

Email Proposals to Potential JV Partners 

One of the hardest parts of JV partnerships is simply securing the partners. Rather than getting cold feet, find a list of contacts, draft a high-quality proposal, and then fire it off to each of them. Expect a lot of rejections; and be happy if you get a positive response.

Emailing Too Frequently Will Turn Off Customers 

Even if you aren’t sending advertisements, emailing your existing customer base too frequently will annoy them. Avoid doing it.

Emailing Too Infrequently Might Make Customers Forget Who You Are 

While you shouldn’t email your customers too frequently; you also shouldn’t email them infrequently. Not contacting them for months at a time will make them forget who you are. And when they do hear from you, they may mistake you for a spammer.

Enthusiasm is Important 

One of the m ost important parts of overcoming challenges is maintaining a deep enthusiasm for your business. Always take the time to visualize what you’re doing; and to get excited about it.

Errors Are Part of the Learning Process 

When it comes to business and marketing, errors are important. They rule out paths that won’t work for your business. Next time you encounter one, learn from it; and move on.

E-Course Creation 

Creating an e-course is a great way to pull in customers and convert them over time. Usually, a course consists of 7-10 lessons on a specific subject; and, at various points in the course, refers the reader to products they can purchase.

E-Course Marketing 

In order to market your e-course, you will want to take a several-pronged approach. First, create a squeeze page that allows visitors to add their names and email addresses. Next, drive traffic to the squeeze page using forums, Google AdWords, existing site traffic, banner ads, and any other sources you can find.

E-Course Tricks – Make the Course Free, but Suggest Paid Products 

The key to having an effective e-course is interspersing paid products throughout it. That is—make the course free to attract as many people as possible, but then subtly sell them on a variety of different products that you own, as well as affiliate products.



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Mbah Qopet Updated at: 12.10.12