Capture Opportunities When They Present Themselves 

Opportunities don’t last forever. Often, then come and go. This is why it is pivotal that you keep an eye open for good opportunities; seize them when they arrive; and work hard to reap the rewards.

Changing Your Routine Can be Helpful 

Over time, it’s easy to fall into the trap of carrying out the same routine each day; however, this can be detrimental to your business. Your ideas and approach may become stale and rote; and, eventually, your customers may lose interest. Keep things exciting and consider changing your routine on a regular basis.

Charge Blog Visitors for Premium Content 

If you have a successful blog, consider creating a members-only section. In this section, add reports, articles, graphics, and other exclusive items. Charge readers a small fee (perhaps $5/mo.) to access this section. Use the normal blog as a means to advertise this section.

Charge Site Visitors for Membership Content 

The same idea I m entioned for blogs also works for normal sites. If you have a site that receives a lot of traffic and has a loyal readership, consider adding a members-only section and charging for access.

Check Your Sales Page Against Modified Versions 

Once you’ve completed your sales page, you should check it against modified versions. You can do this by tweaking 1 or 2 elements at a time; and then checking your conversion rate results. Remember to only make small changes; and to track the results over a long period of time.

Coding Isn’t Always Necessary 

Many new marketers get into the trap of trying to learn programming languages before they create a site. In truth, this is becoming increasingly less important over time. There are many site editors available (free and paid) that will do this work for you without your ever needing to learn any programming.

Consider Changing Your Business Model 

If you’re like most business owners, you follow a set business plan, no m atter what business you start. It doesn’t matter whether you’re creating products and selling them on a site; or creating content sites and selling advertisement—your approach and style is the same. If your results are lackluster, consider approaching things in a completely different way next tim e you create a business. Ignore what your impulses tell you to do; and instead, try something different.

Cooperate with JV Partners 

While no one should ever have to be told to cooperate with JV partners, all too
frequently people forget to do this. They don’t remember that the partner is
bringing something to the table that they couldn’t otherwise; and, instead, take
the partner for granted. Don’t be one of the people who does this. Cooperate with
your partners; and they will make sure things work out well for you.

Contact People Who Can Help You 

Often, solving a problem is m uch easier than we think it is. The only problem is that we are unwilling to ask someone who can help us. Next time you find yourself stuck, contact someone who can help you, rather than letting the problem fester. It doesn’t matter whether that means emailing a friend or posting on a forum  of complete strangers. Do it; get help; and move on.

Context is Important 

When it comes to marketing, context is important. Don’t simply take hints and
tricks that you hear from gurus and apply them  without attention to detail.
Instead, consider how they fit into the context of your business; and use them

Conquer One Niche at a Time 

Instead of trying to tackle many projects at once, limit the scope of your projects to one niche only. Focus all of your time and effort there; and see whether it takes you. If you have success, consider growing until you can’t; and then adding a second niche.

Create Products to Sell on ClickBank 

Once you have created a product, you might consider selling it through ClickBank. Initially, it costs $50 to get your product review, but after that, you can easily recruit, work with, and pay affiliates without much additional effort.

Create Promotional Materials for Affiliates

Many Internet marketers m ake the mistake of thinking about their affiliates as a drain on their resources. In fact, affiliates are an excellent way to extend yourself and your business in ways that would otherwise be impossible. For this reason, it is a good idea to provide your affiliates with marketing materials, such as salesletters, articles, and email marketing m aterials for free.

Create Promotional Materials for Joint Venture Partnerships 

In addition to providing promotional materials for your affiliates, you should also consider doing so for your joint venture partners. This will make it easier for your JV partners to prom ote you, which is always a good thing.

Create Your Own Products 

Creating your own products is a great way to make money. However, there are many places in which process can break down. I personally suggest that you approach this problem by hiring freelancers to deal with all of the parts that are difficult—or for which you do not have expertise.  


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Mbah Qopet Updated at: 12.10.12